Welcome to The Lonely Ones Kawasaki W650/W800, Royal Enfield & Classic Bike Forum!

The Lonely Ones was founded in 2009 by Bob & Dave as a place to discuss and share their love for classic bikes. We like the Kawasaki W650, W800, Royal Enfields and all classic motorcycles, including Triumph, BSA, Norton, Ariel, AJS and even modern Japanese bikes, which are becoming great classics. Please enjoy your visit.

This forum is dedicated to the memory of Lonely Dave, who lost his battle with cancer on the 12th August 2012 R.I.P.

If you're new here, please take a moment to register and then say hello by creating a new topic in The Lonely Ones section.

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    Most users ever online was 431 on Sat Sep 21, 2024 1:31 am

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